Patient Survey

Patient Survey

A pharmacy resident at Hawthorne Pharmacy who is employed by the University of South Carolina is conducting a survey of Hawthorne Pharmacy patients to determine barriers to implementing a cognitive screening service into the pharmacy setting. The long-term goal of this research is to create a cognitive screening service to increase patient access and using the results of this study will allow for a smoother implementation that can actively address barriers that you identify. This study will assess your beliefs regarding cognitive screening, your fears around the screening process, and your opinion of such a service in a pharmacy setting. Your participation will guide the development of the implementation process for this patient care service.

You are being asked to participate by responding to this survey of Hawthorne Pharmacy patients of at least forty years of age to determine your personal thoughts on a service of this kind. You are an important person for us to survey because you can answer questions based on your views of pharmacy practice, especially relating to an independent pharmacy setting. You will be asked to include your email address at the end of the survey to obtain your $5 gift card. However, that is optional, and your participation is voluntary. If you change your mind about participating, you can withdraw at any time during the study. If you choose to withdraw, your data can be withdrawn as long as it is identifiable. Your decision about whether or not to participate or to stop participating will not jeopardize your future relations with the University of South Carolina or Hawthorne Pharmacy.

The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. Your answers will be analyzed and reported along with those of others. As a token of our appreciation for your time and effort spent completing this survey, you will receive a $5 Visa gift card. The first 5 patients to fill out the survey that is sent to them directly will receive a $20 gift card for providing specific feedback.

If you have questions about this study, please contact Mackenzie Currie at 803-849-1709 or

If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact the University of South Carolina Office of Research Compliance or the Institutional Review Board by phone at 803-777-7095.

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